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Client Strategy Convert Readers to Clients

Chain of Elementary / Primary Schools


  • ClientM'Andryk International Online School

  • M'Andryk is a chain of nursery schools and elementary schools across capital of Ukrain. The M’andryk online school is a platform allows the student to easily connect to the lessons and study in virtual classes with great teams of teachers.

    International Online School logo


Attract people to the platform.
A large number of people already spend up to 2 hours browsing the website.
The challenge is to convert those who just read into monthly subscribers.


In 3 - 4 steps website visitors must log in to the platform, whether they are children or adults (parents).


In ukraniane language the name of the school means adventurer / traveler. Chosen designtheme - Space.


The interface must be attractive to children of 6 – 11 years and very straight forward, inviting to join the platform.
Design – animation
Style – comics
Website animation – moving, fast changing text, images, videos, animation that give impression of a flight.
Every step gives motivational phrases for children (in big letters), as well as detailed information for parents to choose this school.

Client Strategy Branding User Interface User Experience Advertising


4 slides = 4 steps to start a journey.
Appears astronaut who asks to help him. He says:

"Hi! We need your help… we are assembling a team for a mission. A flight to another planet.
The goal is to study it, to adapt it for life. Explore a new world. Are you ready to join our team? Go to the second step. Click step 2"

1st step

"The mission is serious, therefore good knowledge is requiered."

Step 2
The parents' part explains advantages of studying in this school.

2nd step

"Let's prepare properly, develop strong skills."

Step 3
Parents' part explains about the unique teaching methods and school subjects

3rd step

"Enter your username and password. Welcome to the platform. Let's start the training."

Last step

4th step
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